Tag Archives: priest-king

[35 Photos] Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation, Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC & The Famous Priest-King | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan

Inilah kali pertama saya sampai ke Mohenjo-Daro, salah satu tapak World UNESCO Heritage Site dan merupakan salah satu bandar teragung semasa zaman kegemilangan Indus Civilization atau Tamandun Indus suatu ketika dahulu. Macam tidak percaya yang saya akan menjejak kaki ke Mohenjo-Daro. Dahulu saya selalu membaca dan pelajari berkenaan Indus Civilization ini di dalam buku teks Sejarah semasa di sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah sahaja. Sekarang saya berkesempatan datang dan melihat dengan mata sendiri Indus Civilization yang pernah saya belajar dahulu.

[ 1 ] Amran Othman Bergambar Dengan Mohenjo-Daro Ruins Berlatarbelakangkan Stupa Di Hujung Sana | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

Sedikit maklumat dari wikipedia berkenaan Mohenjo-Daro Ruins ini :

Mohenjo-daro, the modern name for the site, simply means Mound of the Dead in Sindhi. The city’s original name is unknown, but analysis of a Mohenjo-daro seal suggests a possible ancient Dravidian name, Kukkutarma (“the city [-rma] of the cockerel[kukkuta]”).[3] Cock-fighting may have had ritual and religious significance for the city, with domesticated chickens bred there for sacred purposes, rather than as a food source.[4] Mohenjo-daro may have been a point of diffusion for the eventual worldwide domestication of chickens.