[35 Photos] Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation, Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC & The Famous Priest-King | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan

Inilah kali pertama saya sampai ke Mohenjo-Daro, salah satu tapak World UNESCO Heritage Site dan merupakan salah satu bandar teragung semasa zaman kegemilangan Indus Civilization atau Tamandun Indus suatu ketika dahulu. Macam tidak percaya yang saya akan menjejak kaki ke Mohenjo-Daro. Dahulu saya selalu membaca dan pelajari berkenaan Indus Civilization ini di dalam buku teks Sejarah semasa di sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah sahaja. Sekarang saya berkesempatan datang dan melihat dengan mata sendiri Indus Civilization yang pernah saya belajar dahulu.

[ 1 ] Amran Othman Bergambar Dengan Mohenjo-Daro Ruins Berlatarbelakangkan Stupa Di Hujung Sana | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

Sedikit maklumat dari wikipedia berkenaan Mohenjo-Daro Ruins ini :

Mohenjo-daro, the modern name for the site, simply means Mound of the Dead in Sindhi. The city’s original name is unknown, but analysis of a Mohenjo-daro seal suggests a possible ancient Dravidian name, Kukkutarma (“the city [-rma] of the cockerel[kukkuta]”).[3] Cock-fighting may have had ritual and religious significance for the city, with domesticated chickens bred there for sacred purposes, rather than as a food source.[4] Mohenjo-daro may have been a point of diffusion for the eventual worldwide domestication of chickens.

Mohenjo-daro was built in the 26th century BCE.[7] It was one of the largest cities of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization,[8] which developed around 3000 BCE from the prehistoric Indus culture. At its height, the Indus Civilization spanned much of what is now Pakistan and North India, extending westwards to the Iranian border, south to Gujarat in India and northwards to an outpost in Bactria, with major urban centers at Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, LothalKalibangan,Dholavira and Rakhigarhi. Mohenjo-daro was the most advanced city of its time, with remarkably sophisticated civil engineering and urban planning.[9] When the Indus civilization went into sudden decline around 1900 BCE, Mohenjo-daro was abandoned.[7][10]

Kalau anda mahu menjejak kaki ke sini, haruslah datang pada Autumn Season atau Winter Season. Dikhabarkan kawasan Mohenjo-Daro ini amat panas sekali pada Summer Season. Suhu boleh mencecah sehingga ke 53’c pada peak Summer Season. Boleh menggelegak tu! Saya sendiri telah mengalaminya ya pada 2012. Memang panas sehinggakan iPhone saya memberi amaran untuk shutdown dek kerana suhu yang secara tiba-tiba terlampau panas. Terpaksalah saya matikan sebentar iPhone saya pada ketika itu.

Perjalanan dari Mirpur Mathelo (Daharki) ke Mohenjo-Daro melalui Larkana District mengambil masa lebih kurang 3 jam. Melalui jalan-jalan yang berdebu dan sempit. Memang mencabar keimanan untuk sampai ke sini. Terdapat sebuah lapangan terbang domestik (MJD = Mohenjo-Daro) di sini. Anda akan melalui pekan Larkana. Di sinilah letaknya kampung keluarga Mohtamar Benazir Bhutto (bekas Perdana Menteri Pakistan yang telah dibunuh di Rawalpindi) dan suami beliau Asif Ali Zardari (bekas Presiden Pakistan). Di sinilah juga terletaknya kubu kuat Parti PPP pimpinan Asif Ali Zardari dan Bilawal Bhutto (anak lelaki Mohtamar Benazir Bhutto).

Mohenjo-Daro telah tersenarai di dalam World UNESCO Heritage Site. Banyak lagi dana dan kerja-kerja yang perlu dilakukan untuk mengorek dan membaiki keadaan di tapak ruin sites ini. Diperhatikan kemudahan juga tidak banyak dan kebanyakkan laluan pejalan kaki atas betul-betul di atas ruins yang telah dibina berkurun lama. Sindh Festival 2014 juga telah dibuat di Mohenjo-Daro Ruin Sites in. Saya tidak berkesempatan untuk menghadirinya. Dikhabarkan terdapat pesta cahaya begemerlapan dan persembahan tradisional masyarakat Sindh yang dipamerkan pada malam itu.

[ 2 ] Pokok-Pokok Kurma Di Sepanjang Jalan Menghala Ke Larkana, Sindh Memang Terkenal Dengan Cuaca Yang Panas Dan Pokok Kurma Mereka | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 3 ] Pekan-Pekan Kecil Sebelum Sampai Ke Mohenjo-Daro Ruins | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 4 ] Sila Beli Tiket Di Sini Dahulu Sebelum Masuk, Jika Perlukan Tourist Guide Boleh Dapatkan Juga Di Sini | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 5 ] Warga Tempatan Memakai Sindhi Cap, Asyik Posing Depan Kamera Kami | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 6 ] Kain Yang Dipakai Di Leher Itu Dinamakan Kain Ajrak. Kain Ajrak Amat popular di Wilayah Sindh | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 7 ] Dancing Girl Yang Terkenal Terpampang di Papan Tanda Utama Pintu Masuk ke Ruins Ini | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 8 ] Umar Othman, Mohamed Iqabal, Amran Othman, Muhammad Azham dan Saya Bergambar Kenangan Di Pintu Masuk Mohenjo-Daro | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 9 ] Patung Besar the Priest-King Yang Terkenal Di Sini, Pemerintah Bandar Ini Semasa Zaman Kegemilangan Indus Civilization | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 10 ] Buku Mohenjo-Daro Yang Boleh Dibeli Di Sini. Saya Telah Memberli Buku Ini di Saeed Book Bank, Islamabad | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 11 ] Hasil Kraftangan Yang Diperbuat Daripada Tanah Liat | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 12 ] Bayangan Kami Bersama Pengawal Lengkap Bersenjata | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 13 ] Stupa Utama di Mohenjo-Daro Ruins Ini | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 14 ] Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 15 ] Mohamed Iqabal & Muhammad Azham Melangkah Turun Ke Ruins Site Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 16 ] Stupa Utama di Mohenjo-Daro Ini | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 17 ] Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 18 ] Divinity Street Berhampiran Stupa Utama | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 19 ] Main Stupa | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 20 ] Muhammad Azham, Mohamed Iqabal, KNizam Omar, Amran Othman dan Umar Othman Bergambar Kenangan Berlatarbelakangkan Stupa Utama | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 21 ] Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 22 ] Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 23 ] Pengawal Kami, Polis Tempatan Menjaga Kami Di Sepanjang Lawatan Pada Kali Ini | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 24 ] Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 25 ] Pintu Masuk Utama Ke Muzium Mohenjo-Daro | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 26 ]  Muzium Utama di Mohenjo-Daro Ini | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 27 ] Perasmian Pada Tahun 1967 | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 28 ] Tapak-Tapak Ruins Yang Lain di Wilayah Ini Ketika Zaman Kegemilangan Indus Civilization | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 29 ] waktu Melawat Muzium Ketika Musim Sejuk dan Musim Panas | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 30 ] Kadar Bayaran Untuk Masuk Ke Mohenjo-Daro | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 31 ] Pintu Gerbang Utama | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 32 ] Tulisan Urdu Mohenjo Daro | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 33 ] Umar Othman Posing Depan Kamera | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 34 ] Muhammad Azham Menyediakan Kamera Untuk Shoot Depan Pintu Gerbang Utama | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)

[ 35 ] Rickshaw dan Penduduk Tempatan Di Sini | Back to the Ancient Times of Indus Civilisation & Mound of the Dead 2,600 BC | Autumn 2011 | Mohenjo-Daro Ruins, Mohenjo-Daro | Near Larkana District | Sindh Province, Pakistan | 20 11 2011 (PHOTO BY KNIZAM OMAR / KNIZAM.COM)


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