lagi gambar2 sony ericsson k810i

ni aku masukkan lagi 2 gambar handphone yang aku baru angkat. bengkok gak la poket aku masa mengangkat handphone ni kan. hehehehehe. overall mmg puas hati la. quality gambar mmg superb, though takleh lawan sony digicam dscw1 aku kan. mana nak lawan nyer, digicam aku pakai carl zeiss nyer lense. mana boleh lawan kan. heheheh. overall lepas ni tak yah la aku ke sana ke mari ngan digicam. cukup je ngan hp yang ada 3.2mp ni ajer. hehehehe.

screen dia besar dan crystal clear la. walau dalam keadaan mentari membahang yang terang giler, still boleh nampak screen dia. lagi satu aku suka ngan sony ericsson ni sebab battery dia jimat sket. plus aku dulu guna sony ericsson T610. so x yahlah nak merosakkan kepala otak aku nak unlearn & relearn function dia kan. hehehehehe

dia punya spec kat bawah ni ha

Dark-room magic
With Photo fix, you have that extra, magical dark room touch. Adjust light balance, brightness and contrast in one go, and see your good shots turn great.

Camera excellence
The 3.2-megapixel camera comes packed with features. Get sharp with auto focus. And don’t let poor lighting worry you: use the Xenon flash.

Snap away and blog
Use BestPicTM to snap nine photos in a second. Keep the ones you like. Share them via picture messages or by posting them on your blog site.

The world’s your studio
The world is full of pictures. The compact K810i Cyber-shotTM phone has all you need to catch the moment – and make it look as special as it was.

Sony Ericsson’s megapixel digital camera gives you crisp high resolution every time and added features more common to standalone cameras.

Blog your life
The easy way to share your life in pictures. Take or choose a photo, add a little text and publish it for friends and family to enjoy.

Push email
Instant email on your mobile phone, just like on your home computer. Messages are sent directly to your phone as soon as they arrive.

The BluetoothTM experience
BluetoothTM wireless technology frees more than your hands – it lets your devices talk to each other without tangles, across ranges of up to 10 metres. 

3-click music downloads
Audition and buy the Top Ten ringtones in three clicks. PlayNowTM is the fastest and easiest way to download a premium ringtone.

Music recognition
What’s that sound? Just record a few seconds of music and TrackIDTM (powered by Gracenote Mobile MusicID) returns the song name, artist and album to your phone within seconds.

Quick and easy access to broadband Internet. Say hello to video calls, audio and video streaming, Internet surfing, multimedia messaging and email on the go.

Capture the action
Video clips are ideal for those unexpected great moments that happen when you’re out there, enjoying life.

RSS feeds
Use your phone to view up-to-the-minute news and other content from selected websites and blogs. Just subscribe to the feed and let it come to you.

Web wherever
Truly mobile Internet lets you enjoy browsing the Web and manage your email effectively with the convenience of your phone, wherever you are.


  • 106 x 48 x 17mm
  • x 1.9 x 0.7inches


  • 103g
  • 3.6oz

Available colours

  • Noble Blue
  • Golden Ivory


  • 262,144-colour TFT


  • Memory Stick MicroTM (M2TM) support
  • Phone memory 64MB*

*Actual free memory may vary due to phone pre-configuration


  • GSM 900
  • GSM 1800
  • GSM 1900
  • UMTS 2100


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