this movie released when i was in standard 3 hijau at srk gombak 2 in 1986. great movie indeed. i like the narrative type, kinda flashback movie like this. bila la malaysia nak keluarkan movie style flashback macam ni kan. scene paling best masa lardass tu makan pie dan muntah giler babi kat audience. hehehehe. mmg lawak la. scene lintah menyerang tu mmg scary giler beb. cinematography pun power giler filem nih. lagu ben e king – stand by me tu memang best giler wa cakap lu!
official film trailer of stand by me
ben e king original soundtrack of stand by me feat river phoenix
4 the cause remaking the song stand by me. quite cool eh!
20 years of stand by me the movie 1986-1996-2006
stand by me in time of your life
stand by me the tribute. one of the best still photos made available for this great film ever made.
another tribute to stand by me
stand by me in beautiful days song
another tribute to stand by me the movie
stand by me you’ve got a friend!
stand by me featuring river phoenix in tears in heaven by eric clapton
chris is leader of the pack in stand by me
the pie eating scene by lardass in stand by me
stand by me by stephen king. song by eva cassidy
Based on the Stephen King short story The Body, Rob Reiner‘s easygoing nostalgia piece is set in Castle Rock, OR, over Labor Day weekend, 1959. A quartet of boys, inseparable friends all, set out in search of a dead body that one of the boys overhears his brother talking about. The foursome consists of intellectual Gordie (Wil Wheaton), born leader Chris (River Phoenix), emotionally disturbed Teddy (Corey Feldman), and chubby hanger-on Vern (Jerry O’Connell). The boys’ adventures en route to the elusive body are colored by the personal pressures brought to bear on all of them by the adult world. Richard Dreyfuss, playing the grown-up Gordie, narrates the film, while Kiefer Sutherland dominates every scene he’s in as a brutish high-school bully. ~ Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide