thanks to this really informative Q & A website called CMS Development Tracking
i have followed the instructions specified and walla!
my problem as below has been resolved automatically !
thanks to them. hehe 🙂
glad that their blog has helped me. hehe 🙂
their simple solution include :
Q. When trying to upload media files I get the message “Are you sure you want to do that?” with a link telling me to try again. Clicking “Please try again” simply reloads the dashboard into the frame.
A. You may need to disable your plugins one-by-one to find the ‘problem’ plugin. Some older plugins, such as Ryan Duff’s old WP-Contact plugin, have been reported to cause this problem, so check under the Plugins tab to see if your Plugins need updating.
i followed this idea just now.
i did check all my plug-in and then simply click the update automatically link beside each outdated plug-in.
after several updates, i managed to add in back the rss feed at my right side-bar
another wordpress 2.5.1 error resolved !
phewwwwwww now i can blog happily. hehe
a happy blogger will make a happy nation ! haha

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