sedap la lagu neh kan 🙂
Kaping pisan moco Qur’an lan maknane
Kaping pindo sholat wengi lakonono
Kaping telu wong kang sholeh kumpulono
Kaping papat kudu weteng ingkang luwe
Kaping limo dzikir wengi ingkang suwe
Salah sawijine sopo iso ngelakoni
Mugi-mugi Gusti ALLAH nyembadani
Obat Hati ada lima perkaranya
Yang pertama baca Qur’an dan maknanya
Yang kedua sholat malam dirikanlah
Yang ketiga berkumpullah dengan orang sholeh
Yang keempat perbanyaklah berpuasa
Yang kelima dzikir malam perbanyaklah
Salah satunya siapa bisa menjalani
Moga-moga Gusti ALLAH mencukupi
For this rocker from Central Java, the seventh time is the charm. After six albums and 15 years, OPICK finally hit his stride in 2006 with “ISTIGHFAR” a religious album that went double platinum (300,000 copies) within months after its release. Most cross-over artists would go the other way, mining a lucrative teen market with pop songs or love ballads. OPICK did the reverse and has now found himself starring in a multi-vitamin ad and scoring the theme song to a local sinetron. The first single Tombo Ati has become a favorite during the fasting month and the former rocker has also penned a song with Ustadt Jefri Buchori, a young televangelist wildly popular with the kids. With success like this it won’t be long before others wallowing in relative pop obscurity find their true calling as well.May Allah gives him rewards n happiness in both worlds.Inshaallah