The Result : Hockey Match MC-RMC Carnivale 2008 : Draw 1-1

updates on hockey match mckk vs rmc at bukit jalil hockey stadium pitch II @ 22 february 2008 @ 2030hrs 🙂

so the game ended yesterday night.

mula dalam pukul 8.30 mlm. habis dalam kul 10.00 mlm. hehe 🙂

overall aku puas hati gak la ngan game kali neh. cuma line up ada sket kena ubah nanti.

takpe this is just another friendly game kan.

so kita akan ubah line up masa MSSD 2008 kat kuale nanti 🙂

koleq pakai jersey hitam putih and rmc pakai kuning hitam. terasa macam lawan clifford plak. hehe 🙂 main kat pitch II stadium hoki nasional bukit jalil. ramai gak la coaches yang turun plus several budak koleq from other batch. thanks to all for supporting koleq.

rmc bawak satu team untuk cheering. hehe

kalau koleq ada cheering kan bagus. macam dulu2. hehe 🙂

rmc main laju sket kali ni. 1st 10 minutes aku tengok budak koleq macam dah terikut2 rentak laju budak rmc. then dalam 15 minutes…banggg! 1st goal kena ! so rmc lead 1-0. we all punya la cheering giler2 nak bagi semangat kat budak koleq. hehe 🙂 kalau kena 2-0 lepas neh sure la hancus kan. then we advised the boys to get the short corner as much as possible. susah jugak aku tengok diaorang nak score dengan goal padang kali ni. so after several attempts. dapat gak equaliser 1-1 before half time! hehehe ! cayalah !

bukan senang wo nak dapat equaliser. but they managed it 🙂

masuk 2nd hald. it’s was our game la kan. with several attacks. they keep on attack and attack. managed to get few short corners. tapi finishing tarak la. so habes full time ngan draw 1-1. not bad at all! good preparation for MSSD 2008 next week at kuala ! hehe 🙂

kali neh banyak injuries. ada yang terseliuh. ada yang muscle cramp. ada satu case sampai kena bawak ke HUKM sebab suspected fractured wrist. ended up kat HUKM till 2.30 am pagi tadi settlekan case ni. need to get further treatment since the parents’re not here at HUKM. so there goes 1 of my players that can’t play at the MSSD 2008 next weekend.

apa2 hal kena ada team pic dulu. bukan senang nak main kat bukit jalil ni kan !

badut tengah bagi pep talk. korang main betul2 ! attack and get the goal !

the usual brotherhood. who’s gonna win ?

pep talk masa 1/2 time. badut bagi pep talk dulu 🙂

chibix plak bagi pep talk. come on guys ! u can win tonight !

kat bawah neh semua video2 yang aku sempat amik. takde video masa tengah main sebab coach semua tengah concentrate pasal tactical and player’s rolling substitions. so tak sempat nak amik video pun. haha 🙂


next mighty duck agenda will be next week.

we’ll be competing in the Hockey U-18 MSSD (KK) 2008.

it’s gonna be carnivale style held at SM Methodist Sg Siput and

the 1st match is so important that it’ll decide who’ll win the MSSD KK title this year 🙂
we’ll play against SM Clifford !


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