perghhhh lama siot rasanya aku tak menjejakkan kaki ke redang
last sekali aku pergi tahun 2005 ngan 2006
dua2 tahun aku pergi stay kat laguna redang island resort
hehe bila tengok movie summer holiday (2000) neh teringat kat pulau redang
best wooooooo redang island. memang majestic la pulau dia
cun giler. air jernih ya amat. pasir puteh sesangat. sejuk je pantai ngan pasir dia
kalau tak percaya korang boleh singgah ke pulau redang
depan resort mmg lawa giler wa cakap lu
apa2 pun korang layan kan je lah movie summer holiday (2000) neh ok
tempat dia shoot tuh nama dia more more tea inn
memang betul2 ada tempat tuh depan laguna redang island resort. hehe 🙂
dan lagu kat bawah neh best giler ok
mmg layan lah kalau dok kat pulau2 yang cun mcm redang tau
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From Hong Kong comes this light romantic comedy about a romance that unexpectedly blossoms at a Malaysian resort.
After losing her job, Summer (Sammi Cheng) is looking to make some quick cash, so she heads to Malaysia to sell off her share of a beach resort she co-owns with her cousin.
However, it turns out Summer’s cousin has already unloaded his half of the property, selling it to Momocha (Richie Jen), a local man.
The pair at first disagree about ownership of the hotel, but soon there is love in the air.
Starring : Sammi Cheng, Richie Jen

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Pingback: Summer Holiday (2000) Lakonan Sammy Cheng & Richie Jen – Filem Hong Kong Yang Difilemkan di More More Tea Inn, Pulau Redang ! « Percuma Untuk Anda
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