Michael Jackson Memorial Videos (HD Version)

ada sapa2 tengok live ?

aku tak sempat la kan.

anyway memang best la aku tengok show diaorang

hampir dah lupa aku pada lagu i’ll be there mariah carey neh

lagu neh famous gak dulu2

best wooooooo mariah carey nyanyi kan. hehe 🙂

apa2 pun layan je lah videos in hd format pasal michael jackson’s mememorial

sedih giler masa ucapan last paris jackson tuh kan.

Michael Jackson Memorial: Live singing performance of I’ll BE THERE by Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz at the Staples Center in Los Angels: Tuesday 6 July 2009.

12-year-old Shaheen Jafargholi singing “Who’s Loving You” at the Michael Jackson Memorial in the Staples Center, Los Angeles, Tuesday 7th July 2009, in front of an estimated global TV audience of one billion people.

Hollyscoop.com caught up with fans at the Michael Jackson Memorial at Staples Center in Los Angeles to remember an Icon. Footage courtesy of AEG. Interviews by Diana Madison.

At the memorial service for Michael Jackson, Kenny Ortega – who planned the “This Is It” concert tour – called Staples Center “Michael’s house.”

The show closes with a performance of “We Are The World” and “Heal The World”.

check out the full videos of the memorial session below (banyak giler vid dowh!)


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