nampaknya ada filem baru berkaitan pakistan semasa festival filem sundace 2011 baru-baru ini. filem yang berkisarkan kepada bekas perdana menteri pakistan yang telah dibunuh di rawalpindi beberapa tahun lepas. aku tak pasti samada filem ni nanti akan dilepaskan ataupun tidak untuk tayangan di pakistan, mahupun malaysia. tapi takpe, torrent berlambak2 kan ada. hehe 🙂 download sahajalah nanti kan
tapi seriously aku memang rasa nak tengok sangat filem ni sebab filem2 ni ala2 sejarah kisah benar. pasti menarik menyaksikan kisah benazir bhutto daripada kacamata seorang pengarah filem nanti kan. aku takde masa benazir dibunuh di rawalpindi. dengar ceritanya sungguh huru-hara ketika itu. kawasan sind province paling bergolak ketika benazir dibunuh. bekas suaminya kini adalah presiden pakistan ketika ini.
saksikan website rasmi filem bhutto (2010) di sini
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sumber di sini
A recent Sundance world premiere, BHUTTO tells the epic story of one of the most fascinating characters of our time — Benazir Bhutto, the first woman in history to lead a Muslim nation. A favored daughter of the family often called the “Kennedys of Pakistan,” Benazir was elected Prime Minister after her father was overthrown and executed by his own military. Her two terms in power saw extreme acts of courage and controversy as she tried to clean up Pakistan’s corrupt political culture while quelling the fires of radical Islam that threaten to engulf the region. A fascinating array of archival footage and interviews with family members and leading experts brings life to this tale of Shakespearean dimension in the country the Economist calls “the world’s most dangerous place.”

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